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About Churchill Forge

Since the late 1970’s there has been a resurgence of blacksmithing in Ireland with a view to keeping their skills and traditions alive. This was uppermost in the plans and objectives of the Spa Community Council on acquiring the old Forge in Churchill.


This forge appeared in Ordinance Survey Maps as early as 1842 and was a unique focal point in the parish as a working forge until the death of the much loved and popular smith Patrick O’Sullivan affectionately known as “Paddy the Smith”. The forge had fallen into disrepair and was purchased by a kind benefactor who offered the building in trust to the Spa Fenit Community Group.

Restoration work began immediately.

The renovated and re-roofed building was opened to the public in 2002 with the full range of metal forming tools, the most important of those being the anvil, hammer, bellows, furnace and a range of hand tools such as tongs and punches. In 2016 a heritage centre was constructed and in 2019 the project was completed with the instillation of 20 visually stimulating wall panels which supplement the display of equipment and tools in the forge workshop.

 Situated on the wild Atlantic Way between the monastic settlement in Ardfert and St. Brendan’s birth place in Fenit Island and on route to the picturesque harbour at Fenit the Churchill Forge outlines in great detail the skills and traditions in the life and times of the blacksmith.​

The Forge Project has recently won a National Rural Networks award and this will enable the

Spa Fenit Community Council to welcome the many tourists who visit the area to relive the

art and skills of the blacksmith.

“And children coming home from school

Look in at the open door,
They love to see the flaming forge
And hear the bellows roar”

The Village Blacksmith, HW Longfellow

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